Yellowroot chips and bundles
We mail yellowroot to people all over the United States. It is used for urinary problem, digestive issues, and gum disease.

Yellowroot (Xanthorhiza simplicissima) harvest and sales

Yellowroot is wild-harvested near Payne Mountain Farms from creek banks and woodlands. Don't worry, yellowroot is plentiful throughout the eastern United States and comes back quickly after harvest.


Yellowroot washed and ready for tea
Most people use yellowroot in medicinal tea. It can also be chewed like a toothpick for gum disease.


Yellowroot lives in shady, moist places.

This pretty plant is a well known herbal remedy in the Appalachian mountains, and we have customers from all over the United States that depend on us to supply it.

Tony and I use yellowroot for various health problems, and we also provide it for others that need it. Don’t worry! We are not raping the land or over-harvesting wild herbs.

With the abundance of yellowroot plants in our forests and meadows, hopefully we will never run out. Yellowroot is a sustainable plant that comes back year after year from underground rhizomes. Even if you cut it to the ground or pull it up, rhizomes break off and sprout in spring.

The yellowroot bundles we sell are wrapped up in waxed paper, tied up with string, and mailed in a bubble wrap envelope via the US Post Office. We provide an essential service to those looking for reliable home remedies. You can purchase yellowroot bundles at our other website - Every Green Herb.

Yellowroot bundles ready to be mailed
Bundles of yellowroot are wrapped in wax paper, tied up with string, and mailed out to customers.

Yellowroot is sought after for its healing properties.

Old timers will tell you that the best remedy for urinary tract problems is a cup of yellowroot tea. My granny kept a bundle of yellowroot "sticks" in her pantry. When her supply ran low, she sent the kids out to get more from the creek bank.

Drinking yellowroot tea

Drink a few sips every few hours. You don’t brew yellowroot tea and gulp down a whole bunch at once. It is best for the healing properties to travel thru your system at a constant rate throughout the day.

Also, yellowroot tea is very bitter. This is not a tea you drink for pleasure or taste.

It is best to take yellowroot tea with a chaser of water or apple juice. Eight ounces of tea per day for one or two days it all it takes to clear up most problems.

A quick reminder – don’t drink citrus juice while experiencing urinary infections. The acids, especially in orange or grapefruit juice, irritates already inflamed tissue and delays healing.



Jan and Raymond with fresh harvested yellowroot
Janice and Raymond with freshly harvested yellowroot


Yellowroot tea contains berberine.

Berberine keeps harmful bacteria and virus from sticking to the cell walls. The human body is able to flush out toxins via urine when the toxic substances can’t stick to the sides of our plumbing parts!

When you take yellowroot tea for a bladder infection, just imagine all those live germs getting flushed away. It will make you feel better immediately.

My Every Green Herb website

You can find out a lot more about yellowroot and other natural remedies by going to my herbal medicine website. Every Green Herb is a free resource with almost 200 pages of information. I wrote most of the posts during my years at the North Georgia News.

My publisher asked if I had any ideas for a column, and herbal medicine immediately came to mind.

Since I was doing the research, I decided to start a website and share the information with the world.

Where to purchase yellowroot

You can purchase wild-harvested yellowroot, heirloom seeds and a few other items in our Every Green Herb shop. Yellowroot is our most popular herb, with many people using it as a natural antibiotic.

Tony's heirloom corn seeds come in next, especially during planting time in early May. People love Hawkin's Prolific white dent corn for cornmeal, grits, animal feed, and even creamed corn.

Getting started with herbs

I started my journey with herbs by researching at the library, growing some peppermint, looking for wild herbs on the farmstead, and drinking various teas from the health food store.

Before long, I was using herbal remedies for bug bites, skin rashes, headache pain, digestive problems, and gum disease. You can do it, too!

Tony is also into herbs. He uses ginseng for energy, bilberry for eye health, hyssop for colds, plantain for bee stings, and yellowroot for toothache.

handful of fresh yellowroot
These are young plants. Yellowroot can grow up to four feet tall with stems an inch in diameter.

Herbs are easy to use.

Tea is the easiest way to get the healing properties of herbs into your body, but sometimes a tincture, salve, poultice, or compress works better. At Payne Mountain Farms, herbs are a big part of our lives.

They can be life-saving if you don't have access to a doctor or other healthcare professional.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by email at I can’t legally diagnose or prescribe, but maybe I can point you in the right direction.

Thanks for reading my blog, Jan.


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To purchase heirloom corn seed, yellowroot, and other herbs, visit  Every Green Herb (our herbal encyclopedia and online store).


Contact us by email at

Payne Mountain Farms
322 EV Farm Dr.
Blairsville, GA 30512 USA

This post contains original photos, text, and other content by Janice Boling. If stock photos are used, credits are given. Sources are also listed when applicable.

© 2010 - 2023 by Janice Boling